In Mantychore, a router is an instance of a real router. This router can be a physical router or a router created inside a physical router as a child; this case is only valid for the routers that allow the creation of "logical" routers inside a physical router.

Bellow are listed the different operations that you can perform to a router instance in Mantychore:

  • Router editor
  • Refresh a router instance
  • Program an automatic refresh of a router instance
  • Discover a new router
  • Create a new router instance inside a physical router
  • Remove a router instance from the database


A router instance can have some physical interfaces, and these physical interfaces can contain some subInterfaces inside them. Mantychore allows you to perform the following operations with these interfaces:

Inventory VIew

When Mantychoreis opened, the first view you can see on the left is the Inventory View. As you can see in the following image, the inventory view contains a list of the router instances discovered before (or anything if it is the first time you open Mantychore or if all router instances were removed). The interfaces of each router and its subInterfaces are also displayed. By double clicking on a router instance, the editor of the router instance selected will be opened.

The meaning of the different icons in the Inventory View is the following one:

  • Router Instance: Indicates that the router instance is physical.
  • Router Instance: Indicates that the router instance is a child of a physical router instance.
  • Physical Interface: can be added to a new router instance.
  • SubInterface of a Physical Interface
  •   Physical Interface: it is not possible to be added in a new router instance, since it is not configurable for Mantychore.

You can refresh this view by clicking on the icon in the bar of the view, as you can see in the following image:


  • No labels