AutoBAHN is a bandwidth on demand service created by GEANT that allows to instantiate dynamic circuits over the global research and education (R&E) network infrastructures. OpenNaaS implements an AutoBAHN driver, providing all necessary functionalities to communicate with its API. Here you can find a small tutorial for using OpenNaaS as an AutoBAHN client.
Creating BoD Resource
First of all, you will need to create a BoD resource. As all other type of resources OpenNaaS supports, it needs a descriptor and a context before it's been started. Please find attached a sample descriptor for the bod resource at the bottom of the page. For the whole tutorial, let's consider "bod_autobahn" the name of the resource.
1. Create the resource
resource:create /home/user/autobahn.descriptor
2. Register the context
protocol:context bod:bod_autobahn autobahn noauth http://sample.autobahn.endpoint
, where "autobahn" is the protocol to use and "noauth" indicates we don't use any authorization type.
3. Start the resource
resource:start bod:bod_autobahn
List available BoD interfaces
Once the resource is started, you can list all the interfaces among which you can create links by using the following command:
l2bod:interfaces bod:bod_autobahn
Request connection
Once you know the name of the two interfaces you want to link, you can request a L2 connectivity between both of them. There's a lot of information to be set, as the start and end time of the circuit, the vlan id, or the capacity of the circuit.
l2bod:requestconnection --vlanid=12 --endtime=2012-05-30T12:50:00+02 --capacity=10 bod:bod_autobahn interface1 interface2
You can find more information about the arguments of the command by typing "l2bod:requestconnection --help"
Creating a circuit inside the network infrastructure takes some time, usually between 1 and 2 minutes, due to provisioning, signalling and other network-related times. Please, be patient.
List BoD links
You can see the list of all the links you have created for the BoD resource.
l2bod:links bod:bod_autobahn
Shut down connection
You can shut down circuits of your list of links by indicating the name of the interfaces among which they have been created.
l2bod:shutdownconnection bod:bod_autobahn interface1 interface2
Autobahn descriptor: download