Remember to execute the queue in order to apply this methods to the physical device.
This method creates a new static route.
Value | Description | |
URL | http://localhost:8888/opennaas/router/{resourceName}/staticroute | |
Method | POST | |
Body Parameter |
| netIdIpAdress is mandatory. Either nextHopIpAddress or isDiscard to true must be present. preference is optional. |
Return | - |
Body Example
Following example would create a static route with network ID set to "", next hop set to and preference set to 500. There is no discard in this case, if it would be required use boolean tag <isDiscard> with "true" as value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <ns2:staticRoute xmlns:ns2="opennaas.api"> <netIdIpAdress></netIdIpAdress> <nextHopIpAddress></nextHopIpAddress> <preference>555</preference> </ns2:staticRoute>
This method will remove an existing static route rule.
Value | Description | |
URL | http://localhost:8888/opennaas/router/{resourceName}/staticroute?netIdIpAdress={netIdIpAdress}&nextHopIpAddress={nextHopIpAddress} | |
Method | DELETE | |
Query Parameter | netIdIpAdress | |
Query Parameter | nextHopIpAddress | |
Return | - |
This method retrieves a list of static routes rules in the device.
Value | Description | |
URL | http://localhost:8888/opennaas/router/{resourceName}/staticroute | |
Method | GET | |
Return | StaticRoutes | List of static route rules in the device |
Return body Example
Following example exposes a list of static route rules in the device composed by only one element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <ns2:staticRoutes xmlns:ns2="opennaas.api"> <staticRoute> <netIdIpAdress></netIdIpAdress> <isDiscard>true</isDiscard> <preference>0</preference> </staticRoute> </ns2:staticRoutes>