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This tutorial describes the first steps to use Mantychore. we are going to add a router device and we will do the first operations to manage it (In this case, we only do  a simple operation, to configure an IP).  You can find more infomation information about the Karaf platform and others commands related with the resources on Server Console


To get more information about bundles and how Mantychore use it them, go to this link.

Creating resources

The first step in Mantychore is the resource virtualization. In this step, it is added a new device to the Mantychore system. For this action, it is necessary to create a file to describe what features and capabilities this virtual resource will be able to have.

For this tutorial, can you use a template from this list template as example (for more information, the wiki has a section to describe each parameter).  The command will be:


Each resource has to be linked to the necessary protocols which are used to connect communicate with the physical device (the real router which we want to virtualize).  In this case, we will use and send its operations. This is an example which uses a netconf protocol to connect with the routerresource:

Code Block
protocols:context router:junos20  netconf ssh://myuser:mypassword@


  • router:junos20 -  specify resource type (router) and resource name (junos20). It specifies what resource will use this protocol
  • netconf - name to describe which protocol it will be usedidentify the protocol configuration.
  • ssh://myuser:mypassword@ - URI to describe connection parameters.


The format is:  transport://user:password@ip:port/subsystem

To get more information about protocols, visit this link



Resources states

A resource is in a set of states which it permits do or not a set of operations. This picture describes these states:
